“Arise, arise! Young man, look onward! Ever onward to that distant horizon. Take heart, though the road is long your footing is sure and your allies strong. Trust in your God, the one true God, he will lead your way. Fear not, though enemies are many the victory is sure. Though wounds are promised and you will encounter many evil strongholds along the way. They will surely fall.”
This will be the inaugural post in a series titled "The Passion and the Purpose." My goal is to provide a brief paragraph that motivates and challenges the reader. Though most often these will be addressed to young men, I believe any reader can benefit from these few lines of thought. I want to provoke a desire to examine one's life by God's standard that He has given us. I want us to always move towards God for He is our hope and our salvation.
Please feel free to leave a comment about what you think of these and share them with someone.
I agree that anyone 'alive or dead' could benefit from there words of encouragement. You consistently point your readers back to your source of life, strength, and hope that they too may inquire of that hope in you. Beautiful and magnificent come to mind as the words leap into my soul this wonderful morning. Wow!