The Passion and The Purpose #5
Young man, where is your passion, your purpose? You wander about through life’s turbid streams, do you not care where they take you? Behold there is a greater passion here, a treasure beyond value, a person beyond measure. The Christ, Jesus, turn to Him and He will give you passion and a purpose such as you have never had. He will forgive you of your sin and He has taken your place. Believe no more in the world but believe in Him, do not wonder any more of where to go. But go forth, along the narrow way, follow Him for He is the Good Shepherd.
Isaiah 26.8b states, “your name and remembrance are the desire of our soul.” This is a key verse for describing the passion and purpose of what I believe in. How I want you who read this to also desire Christ as a treasure and to value Him more than anything else. Turn from the world and turn to Jesus, “He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.” (1 John 1.9) and to “cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” We must see Jesus as our supreme treasure and to love Him first in all things. I love how Colossians 1 describes how Christ is preeminent. He must be first, and surely He is. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I pray that this week you will see Christ for how awesome and valuable He truly is.
Here is an incredible sermon by John Piper that is a wonderful exhortation for seeing Christ as supreme. May you be encouraged by this week’s post and if you did, share with someone!