This idea comes on the heels of a recent conversation with my wife. I want to share these thoughts with you in this week's post. Everyone is a maker. Being created in the image of God makes us image-bearers. This natural innate image bearing is a pattern I see in this specific area of being a "maker." God is a maker. He made us and the universe. We have a distinct capacity to interact, manipulate, and invent from the world around us. Why? I believe that it is a God-given trait that he has wired into each of us.Â
We are makers, you and I. Do you believe that? We are all makers. You may say, "Yes, Jake, I make decisions every day." You are right, but that is not what I mean. We make things bigger than that. Decisions are a part of it but not the whole. They are like the nuts and bolts of a ship. No one stops and admires the bolts, but they admire the whole ship. The ship is more than bolts, but it is not less. Someone made that, and in some cases, many, many, someones. Many makers all took part and lent their skills and talents and created something usable.Â
Of course, there is much more to life than boats. But boat building is a part of life. A maker is someone who creates, thinks of, and acts on something. That person forges thoughts into solid matter, and that matter now exists outside and apart from its maker. This is the heart of the matter. We are makers. Creators, whether baking a cake or writing a thank you note. We impart some vision and version of ourselves into the things we make, which are now manifested in the world. Our creations bear our reflection. These reflections show the world what we are about, who we are, and what we do.Â
The Roadblock
My mind is full of ideas. I often say to myself, "Wouldn't it be cool if..." This mental conversation has been as far as I have gotten on hundreds of ideas. The problem was that I did not consider myself someone who makes things.Â
The problem was solved with a simple conversation with my wife. She has been a fantastic source of encouragement, enabling me to consider myself in a new light. Or maybe it was the light I was in but didn't recognize. At Chickfila, I told her I thought building a lamp would be cool. I have had several ideas for lamps but never acted on them. She simply responded, "Okay, that's what you'll do!" At that moment, something remarkable happened inside of me. My thinking changed. I thought, "I could build that lamp; in fact, I will build it!"Â There was no outward change but an internal one. A perspective shift is like assembling a puzzle and looking for that elusive piece. You turn your head just so... and bam, there it is. It was lying on the table right in front of you. It was always there, and you were right in front of it, but it took a different way of seeing.Â
The Drive
We are essentially makers. What I mean is our essence, we are makers. We were all made. God created us in the beginning. We are his reflections of his character. We are his craftsmanship, and we see his handiwork everywhere we look. We have purposes, functions, and designs. He also gave us a mandate to do as he did. And everywhere we look, we see the handiwork of mankind. Cars, buildings, phones, and books reflect their makers. They exude design because they are designed. It is in the essence of created things to reflect their creators.Â
Since we are all makers, it is in our nature to create. God has commanded us to make good things, but we do not always see that happen. People are makers, but not everyone is a maker of good. We live in a fallen world. History is replete with the terrible things that evil people created. And also good things that people have twisted for evil. It is essential to follow the example of God and that what he has made is good. We are to follow in those footsteps. Since we are makers, we bear the responsibility for what we make: the good and the bad. Everyone is a maker. Let us create things that honor the Lord and honor other people.Â
The Call to Action
I leave you with a call to action. Build something, write a letter, send a note to a friend. There are many things you can do as a maker. The possibilities to create are nearly unlimited. We make choices everyday. Those very choices are like building blocks in life. Eventually, those blocks build a life. Our goal is a life that is pleasing to God. He has fashioned us each in a unique way. We have bents, skills, and talents. Use them for Good!
 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. - Ephesians 2.10
Beautiful! This reminds me so much of the Proverbs and God's wisdom through which he made the world. What a Maker who makes makers..... Also, have you ever read the book ,"From The Garden to The City?" Your thoughts reminded me of a number of ideas John Dyer explores...I think you might like it!