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A few things if I may. I would say that you might be placing too much pressure on the word “desire” and describing it more allusively as wanting, dreaming, or lusting. Jesus was and is the only One who will forever fulfill matching that desire to please the heavenly Father without fail too. We must do our utmost to stay the course but in the frailty of our humanity we will make mistakes. Grace abounds where failure enters in. The desire in our flesh is as you said, a daily task. Paul probably said it best that he buffeted his body “daily” bringing into subjection less he too would find himself disqualified.

Maybe we could see it as Desire is the engine fueled by Diligence. Neither can be judged or operate independent of the other. We judge desire by diligence and vice versa but they are consigned to each other viewed with the other in mind. It should not be surprising when we discover ourselves full of the Word of God and full of the Spirit of God because it is through desire and diligence this comes about. We then see and know we are on THE course of life the Father has put us here for. Can we miss it and lose that desire? Absolutely. Through distractions or as Paul puts it, “the weights and sins that easily beset us”. Desire is an intense focus that will not be denied and we err when we lose sight of it. “Be ye being filled with the Spirit” is a daily, no, continuous connection the Giver and Shaper of that desire within us. “Pray without ceasing” and live in the moment for Christ the King who will judge the quick and the dead and reward those who diligently seek him.

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